Reggie and Teddy met after we moved into our home in Auburn, CA. Teddy’s family lived next door and I introduced myself and Reggie to them shortly after I moved in. They didn’t have a dog at the time but were thinking about getting a dog. They loved how soft Reggie was, how sweet his disposition was, and that he was a smaller dog. The Mother of the family had always had German Shepard dogs, which are considerably bigger than Reggie, and said she was leaning toward that breed. Spirit was giving them a preview of a choice they could consider.
A few weeks later she has me come over to meet their new dog, this little four-pound dog that looks like a smaller version of Reggie. I fell in love with this little Ted (I call him Teddy) when I saw him. He has a personality that makes you think he is a huge dog, very determined, and full of life. Reggie is not an alpha dog and Teddy is an alpha dog, so this was a delight to watch. As soon as Teddy had all his shots, we had Reggie and Teddy meet. They immediately loved each other. Little Teddy would jump all over Reggie when he first saw him and still does. They would roll around playing with each other, nipping, growling, and running like the wind chasing each other. Spirit brought these two little magic dogs into all our lives.
We had them play together every week and when the fence between our properties needed to be replaced, we had a Doggie Door built into the fence so they could run back and forth between our two properties. They would go to the door and Reggie figured out how to open it so he could go over to see Teddy and Teddy could come over when I wasn’t outside. I put a table in front of the door so he wouldn’t go over there unless I knew it was okay with them and they were home. He tried to move the table to get to the door but couldn’t. He is so smart! Spirit connecting these two hearts in deep love and joy.
When I was going on a trip, Reggie would go to stay with Teddy and his family so he was quite content for me to go. When my heart stopped, they took Reggie over to their house immediately and kept him until I came home. When they went overseas, Teddy came to live with us for ten days. When we each needed to leave them for a short time, they went to the other’s home. This gave each of them two homes where they felt safe and were loved unconditionally. Spirit loving all of us with havens for our precious little ones.
Teddy got seriously ill with a liver issue and they didn’t know if he was going to live. Reggie would go to see him or Teddy would come to stay with us for a little while to see if that would help him. I prayed for him and sent him Light and Love every time I thought of him, also his family and Reggie. It took months of dedicated determination by his Mother to find something that helped; she found and tried numerous things. He finally turned a corner and started getting better. He still has to take medication and has a special diet, but he is on to his new normal. We all were so relieved and I thanked Spirit for guiding his family to find the solution. They have a nine-year-old boy who would have been devastated if Teddy had died. I thanked Reggie for patiently watching over him when he stayed with us, for sleeping by him so he was comforted, and for making sure he was safe outside when he was so fragile.
The boys got back to playing like they usually did every week, running back and forth through the Doggie Door in the fence. One day the Mother came over and told me that they were putting their house up for sale and moving to another city. I told her I was so happy for them as I knew they needed to move to where it would be better for them. Yet, I grieved over this as I knew the impact it would have on Reggie and me.
Reggie would no longer have a playmate he loved with all his heart and I would no longer have these precious friends I could count on next door. They too were going to miss our connection. They moved June 15 and are in their new location. Reggie used to go over every Friday evening when I go dancing. The first Friday after they left, he went to the door all excited ready to go play. I had to tell him he couldn’t go next door as they had moved. He was, and is, sad every Friday evening now, but I know it will lessen with time. I give him extra treats even though I know they don’t make up for the missing friend. Spirit assists us in letting go even though we do not want to at the time.
Yesterday, Teddy and his family came to spend the week back in the area. Before they came, the Mother would say Reggie’s name and Teddy would get so excited and run to the door. She had to stop saying the name as he would be so disappointed when there was no Reggie. She says that Teddy won’t have anything to do with any other dog but Reggie. Teddy is staying with Reggie and me during the day for the week. The first time they saw each other, they were so excited they didn’t know what to do. They went right back into jumping, rolling around, nipping, growling, and running like the wind. Teddy eats better when he is with Reggie as I set both their plates on the floor on either side of me and they eat like it is a race to see who can finish first. Reggie wins as Teddy takes more time with his little mouth. They stay in the office when I am working, then both come to sit on my lap or by me when I move to the chair. Spirit bringing together two little souls who connect so joyfully in Spirit when they are apart and for this week in the flesh.
Reggie and Teddy reflect how it is when my sister visits and I am so happy to see her. Meals are happier, outings are more fun, and just sitting on the couch is a comfort. Being together is all that matters and yet we are happy with our lives when we are in our individual homes. I asked Spirit to bring Teddy and his family those who are better than we are so they have greater love and comfort in their new home. I asked Spirit to bring Reggie and me friends who will delight us just as much or more. We have experienced that Spirit provides us with more than we could imagine.
Reggie and I have moved more than most and we know that everywhere we have been, it has opened us in new and different ways that were better than before. We are so grateful for all of the blessings in our lives, especially Teddy and his family. Spirit has a way of helping us make changes that benefit us in known and unknown ways, so we trust that all is in Divine Order in each moment. Nancy and Reggie♥
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