Your booklet is inspiring as it gives direction on how to stay calm, let go of negativity and enjoy a more peaceful life within and without.
– Barbara J, AZ
I found My Spiritual Journey and Yours to be a wonderful book filled with gentle reminders on how to stay focused and to care for ourselves with love. A very inspirational writing. I love your little book!
– Cherry D, OR
My Spiritual Journey and Yours is a charming and straightforward presentation of the author’s day to day spiritual practice. Nancy sincerely shares her own experience in a helpful and accessible manner and her booklet inspired me to more fully notice with gratitude all the beauty and graciousness in the world and my life.
– J.B., CA
This booklet is a wonderful assist for a mindful meditation. You read the passages, see how Nancy applied it to her life and then you are encouraged to meditate on how it applies to your life. Nancy is a talented psychic and you can tell she channeled this booklet from a Higher Source. It is a down to earth guide. You do not need any previous training to read, understand and apply this to your life. I highly recommend this book!
– Debbie S, WA
I don’t know how to thank you enough for your “Spiritual Journey” book! I have read it several times and it has given me lots to think about! Thank you for caring and thinking of me. You have a natural and beautiful way of expressing yourself.
– Janis S., OK
I thoroughly enjoyed “My Spiritual Journey and Yours“. I’ve seen such beauty in the growth of Nancy’s spiritual journey. The book inspired me and provided me with some great ideas. When I’m in my garden I often think of Nancy and thank God for all the beauty.
– Linda B, CA
As soon I met Nancy and Bill, I felt my life would become peaceful. Every time I need a session with Nancy, she cures my mind and after that she cures my whole physical body. I have been seeing them for three years. My life has changed for the better.
– Blanca Nunez, Corvallis, Oregon
After undergoing triple bypass surgery following my third heart attack, your healings over the past 3 months were instrumental in my recovery. Each time you worked on me, I could feel the effects deeply. I followed along as you visited my chakras and used your light work to heal. During the first session, I saw a dent in my aura transform back to its normal shape, and I felt my lungs begin to expand and my heart began to heal. The fear, terror, and the residual effects of medication began to lift, leaving me with a newfound sense of peace.
As I continued to heal, you were there for both me and my partner, especially when he suffered a concussion from an accident. Each time you helped us, I was amazed by the relief and support we felt. You guided me from a place of struggle and despair to genuine recovery. My lungs are now clear, my heart is functioning much better and I’m able to sleep, eat, and walk again. He is also recovering nicely.
Your recommendation to read Mike Dooley’s latest book was perfectly timed, offering guidance during a personal “dark night of the soul.” Through his insights, I was reminded that only 5% of me is physical, and the rest resides in realms beyond, where my true self lives and thrives.
Thank you, Nancy, for the profound impact you’ve had on our lives and especially on my healing journey.
– Marge A.L., Oregon, November 2024
Enrique came for a private session complaining of stomach pain and kidney pain. He was under a doctor’s care and taking medication, but not improving. Nancy did a healing on him and he had immediate relief from the kidney pain and the stomach pain diminished slightly. Enrique attended the healing group for about a year. He had another session with Nancy and another healer, and all pain was removed. During that session, he reported that he saw light, and a dime materialized on his shirt at the end of the session. Enrique was surprised and grateful.
– Subject: Enrique Alvarado, Corvallis, Oregon
– Witnessed by Blanca Nunez, translator
Cruz, 18 years old, was unjustly arrested as a result of a relative accusing him of something he did not do. Blanca called Nancy, explained the situation and Nancy began doing light work for truth and justice to prevail. His first three months in jail, he felt someone was working on him because he saw the light that Nancy was putting on him. He had faith that everything was going to be cleared up. I believe the light work that Nancy did cleared all the paperwork and two months later, the judge decided that Cruz was innocent. He was released one month later.
– Subject: Cruz Medina, Durango, Mexico
– (Blanca Nunez, translator)
Adelia had been sick for about three years and the only part that the doctors picked up from her was the blood was not right for her body. They were doing a transfusion every six months and she was feeling the same. Blanca called Nancy to ask if she would help her and immediately Nancy began doing light work for her. The minute Nancy put the light on her, she saw that she was almost dead. Adelia received all the energy her body could hold at the time, and the first day she felt relief. Adelia was worked on steadily for four weeks and she was healed and no longer needed transfusions. Her healing work was done remotely by viewing a photograph.
– Adelia Villanueva, El Toro, California
– (Blanca Nunez, translator)
Tonight, at meditation I asked Spirit to put my daughter and her fiancé on the table for healing. My intention was to help them deal with the stress of wedding and work and the health issues that have come up because of that stress. That was my intention, but Spirit had some surprises for me.
Before we even got started, Nancy had felt impressed to have me hold a crystal that had pyrite and fool’s gold flecks in it. She said she wasn’t sure why she had been so prompted, but she did explain the properties of the stone I held. She said the stone was good to help with grounding and clarity of thought. Immediately Spirit gave me a little “wink, wink.”
As I gave the two names for healing, I simply stated my daughter’s first and last name without her middle or full name. We named our daughter Kerry Ann after her father; whose name is Kerry Scott. My husband goes by his middle name (Scott), not his first name (Kerry), so when I say “Kerry,” it is my daughter I think of, not my husband.
As Nancy began the blessing for Kerry and her intended, she asked us to see these two beings placed on the table one arm’s length apart. She paused then for a moment and said “No TWO arm’s length apart.” I thought that was odd, and I wondered if it meant something. Again, I got a distinct “wink, wink,” which had the attached feeling that I shouldn’t put too much weight on my concerns about this distance. My attention was drawn back to what Nancy was saying.
Nancy continued, asking us to see the first being in the healing circle. She did not mention a name, but the first name I had stated when we began was Kerry, my daughter. Nancy then continued to refer to this being using the masculine pronouns “he” and “his.”
At this point I was getting a little confused. I wondered if we had started with Kerry’s fiancé, but that didn’t feel quite right. I distinctly felt a much closer love tie to the being we were working on. I found myself reevaluating things on a logical level, trying to backtrack and review facts and timelines. A small part of my attention was also trying to keep up with and take note of what Nancy was saying. It was that part of my awareness that again got the “wink, wink” from Spirit and this personal message: “You just said Kerry—you didn’t specify which one.”
I almost burst out laughing! I finally knew exactly what was going on. It was Scott whom we had placed in the healing circle. All the “wink, wink” business fell into place as I realized the information being given concerning the first being was right on the money for my husband, Kerry Scott, not my daughter Kerry Ann.
The TWO arms lengths apart totally made sense in context of who these two beings actually were not daughter and fiancé, but husband and potential son-in-law.
Wink, wink, smile and outright laugh—from Spirit with love.
– LuAnn, Philomath, Oregon
I began attending Nancy and Bill Waldron’s weekly healing and energy meditation group sessions more than two years ago. Our weekly energy and healing sessions clear and balance my mind and spirit and have healed many things in my body.
The most recent experience was quite significant. I have restrictive lung disease and other problems. For years I have suffered stomach and intestinal pain and discomfort. After three local doctors examined me, I was referred to a specialist. He performed an ultrasound and it revealed matter that indicated pre-gallstones, plus blockage in my bile duct. He told me the next step was a surgical procedure that would require me to undergo general anesthesia. I had a near-death experience the last time I had general anesthesia, and I know it is life-threatening to me. My choice was take the risk and live out my days with a breathing tube or try for one month to take a medication three times a day and have follow up ultrasound and see where we stood.
I left the specialist’s office with a prescription. That evening, I talked with my children about the prognosis and they gave me their blessings on whatever I chose to do. Then I prayed and meditated and called Nancy. She suggested we do weekly healing sessions during the month I was taking the medication. After talking to her, I prayed and meditated again and fell asleep. During the night, in a vision, the doctor and Nancy both appeared in full body form. We discussed every aspect of the situation and they vanished. I sat on the edge of my bed and played it over in my mind and then totally surrendered myself to Divine Spirit. When I woke in the morning, I knew exactly what I was going to do—I was going to take the medicine and follow the procedure and leave it up to God.
I completed three sessions with Nancy and Bill, and they were deep and profound and cleansing. During the second session, I felt the energy of the entities enter and felt their energy moving through my body to the diseased parts. I was fully conscious, and I could feel it. The light energy remained with me for more than two weeks and I totally surrendered to it. The third session was like a refresher. I had a knowing that told me not to go to the fourth healing session until I knew to go. Before that happened, the 30 days ended and I went back to doctor for another ultrasound.
Three or four days later, a cheerful doctor called me with the results. He was almost yelling because he was so excited to report good news to a patient: “It is gone—all traces of the matter are completely gone!” he said.
I rejoiced with him, my family, and Nancy and Bill, and I shared this whole story with the group. The pure power of Nancy and Bill’s energy and how they surrender to our Divine Spirit to be used to heal, help, and guide us is a priceless gift in my life. When I am in their presence, I feel their luminous energy and feel that I am with people whose soul intention is pure. That is such a rare experience in our world.
– Carol Parks, Philomath, Oregon
In August of 2013, I developed an itchy rash on my chest and upper arms. Over the next few months, it spread to my face and hands. My muscles started to ache and become weakened in October and I was diagnosed with a rare, autoimmune type disorder called Dermatomyositis in November. It is a connective tissue disorder in which your body attacks your skin and muscle. The UV light from the sun exacerbates the rashes and so I was told to stay out of the sun and cover myself if I needed to go out. I started to wear SPF clothing, including a mask, scarf and hat that I would cover my face, neck and head with whenever I went out. I started to take medications for the rashes and muscle deterioration. I started at 60 mg of prednisone a day, 1000 mg of methylprednisolone a month through IV, and a chemotherapy drug called Methotrexate once weekly. In the years leading up to meeting Nancy, my body dealt with all sorts of maladies that required antibiotics and other drugs. The muscle part of the disease was under control within the first year of the disease and I was able to slowly wean to 5 mg of prednisone over two years. However, the rashes continued and they were itchy and unsightly. I used cortisone cream daily for a couple years to relieve the itchiness and help dim the redness. I had developed lipoatrophy in various places on my body, including my face. Lipoatrophy is when the fat layer of your skin deteriorates creating indentations. Once the fat deteriorates, it does not return. My doctor decided to try IV infusions of immunoglobulin (IVIG) to help stop the rashes and possibly the lipoatrophy.
In April of 2016, I was in the middle of receiving IVIG monthly for 5 consecutive days for four hours a day. I had a port surgically implanted in my chest to make the infusions easier. I had received eight infusions at that time and most of the rashes had gone but I still had rashes behind and beneath my ears. The lipoatrophy part of the disease had taken all the fat from my hips so that you could see the tops of my femur bones sticking out. So, I felt deformed. I could hide that pretty well. My face changes were the hard part. I was on the way to looking skeletal with all the fat disappearing beneath my eyes and around my temples. I was on 5 mg of Prednisone, 0.8 ml of injected Methotrexate once a week, and 250 mg of Chloroquine every day. I was generally negative about my situation but I decided I wanted to get better and I came across a healing gathering that Nancy Waldron was beginning in Auburn. I decided to attend. I really felt I was ready to leave this disease behind and I was hoping Nancy could help me.
On the very first visit to the healing gathering, I could feel that there was something special about Nancy’s abilities. The healing meditation that she led truly made me feel. I found myself in tears after the meeting. For fifteen minutes on the way home, I sobbed and sobbed. This happened probably for the next three meetings. I believe the tears were cleansing me of my internal pain. I believe that is what eventually manifests as disease in the body and helping that to move helps us to heal. Nancy has the ability to facilitate this healing.
As the months passed, my attitude changed and I had a much more positive outlook on my life. I had more energy and I was accepting things instead of fighting them. I began trusting that things were unfolding the way they were supposed to. Nancy assured me that she believed it was possible that I could eventually get off my medication and that I was changing at a very deep level. She was encouraging and just wonderful to be with. I would have private sessions with her and when we worked with light and spirit, I always came away feeling lighter than before, less heavy in my being. She truly has a gift. By the end of July, I had weaned myself to 2 mg of Prednisone a day.
In October, I had a huge internal shift occur. My negative thinking became less invasive and easier to question. I felt an ability to really open myself and give love and let love in. My relationship with my husband deepened in a way I never expected. We basically fell in love again. It was surprising and wonderful. I know this had to do with my healing work. I was releasing fears and old, ineffective ways of perceiving my world. I was becoming who I wanted to be. In November, I had my last infusion and had my port removed in December. By February of 2017 all my rashes had disappeared and I did not get any further indentations in my skin from lipoatrophy. By May, I was going outside without wearing my mask and hat everywhere. At the end of May, I visited Disneyland and although I got a sunburn, it was a sunburn and not the Dermatomyositis rash that I had left behind. In June, my rheumatologist said I could start weaning off Methotrexate and lowered my dose to 0.7 ml a week. In July, my body seemed to reject the drug Chloroquine by creating a drug rash which disappeared after I stopped taking that drug. So, I am truly on the road to leaving my medication behind just like Nancy believed.
Nancy has been a tremendous help and guide for me in my journey toward healing this body and mind. Her ability to connect to Spirit and help others do the same is a true blessing to us all. I will be forever grateful for what she has done and empowered me to do. I see this life with new eyes and can focus on all the wonderful blessings I do have as opposed to what I am lacking. As I focus on what is good in my life, the negative falls away, taking with its old ways of thinking and behaving and states of disease. Thank you, Nancy.
– M.N., Auburn, CA, 08/29/17