When I met my husband in 1968, he had custody of his three children. As I observed these beautiful children, they touched something deep in my soul. In thinking back on our fifty years together to the dreams and goals I had for myself with all of them in the beginning, Spirit imparted to me the importance of honoring the dreams and goals by letting the family know what they were. So, I wrote one letter, copied it on Christmas green paper, and gave it, along with heirloom gifts from their father and myself, to each of them. Here is what I wrote.
Our 50th Christmas – December 2018
Nancy A. Waldron
When I married your father, I had dreams and goals that I wanted for myself with this family. I want to share some of these with you.
♥I would always be here for you as long as I am alive.
♥I would strive to keep love foremost, no matter how upset I got.
♥I would fight for you when you were unable or did not know how to protect yourselves.
♥I would take you to church so you could learn to love God.
♥I would let you know of my great love of this country and the precious freedom, rights, and privileges I have as a woman and that we have as citizens.
♥I would stay close to you by phone, in person, or other means of communication.
♥I would establish a stable home with good, nutritious meals and family time to share about our day around the table.
♥I would see that your world was expanded with trips to the river water-skiing, to other cities, states, and experiences with other people, with a different level of consciousness, with diverse ways of being, and with all that I could to enhance your lives.
♥I would take care of myself first in my thoughts, words, and actions, in my dress, in my personal conduct, in my care of my body, and as an example for you each to put yourselves first.
♥After my family, I would care for others as my time, energy, and resources allowed.
♥I would be truthful with you and ask the same of you.
♥I would admit my mistakes and correct them as quickly as possible.
♥I would hold you accountable for your mistakes and provide guidance for you to learn to protect yourselves, if you were willing.
♥I would plan fun outings to parks, the ocean, mountains, lakes, rivers, movies, race track, to family and friends’ homes, to Disneyland, Sea World, Six Flags Magic Mountain, to San Francisco, Shell Beach, the Queen Mary, and other places I loved and learned that you loved.
♥I would take risks with strength and courage to explore the unknown within and outside myself.
♥I would call, send cards, and create events to honor your father and each of you at birthdays, anniversaries, and on special occasions.
♥I would love, and have fun with my grandchildren and they with me.
♥I would see my grandchildren graduate from high school and/or college.
♥I would become a woman that is respected and honored, and share my knowledge with you.
♥I would hold myself to a higher spiritual standard because that is who I am in my soul.
♥I would carry on the traditions of my family and create new ones.
♥I would stay open and keep learning all of my life, so you could witness the joy of an expanded mind.
♥I would love my husband, your father, from the day we married, through the peaks and valleys of our lives, until the day he died.
♥I would let go and let God after I had done my part, knowing that all is in Divine Order.
I have been the anchor and guardian of our family unit. Your father was the silent one, not saying much, but with deep feelings for the family he created and chose me to share with him. I was the spokesperson conveying our wishes with all the responsibility that went with that role.
Almost all of my dreams and goals were realized. So, on our 50th Christmas, these are the legacies and traditions I created for myself and, ultimately for each of you.
Now you are the anchors and guardians of your family units with your own dreams, legacies and traditions. May all of your dreams and goals be realized, and if not, may you know that it is all in Divine Order.
As special birthdays and occasions have occurred in the past, I have passed on gifts from your father’s and my lives and lineage as a way of continuing the tradition and legacy of love.
May they bless you and enfold your hearts with all the love I, and your father, had/have for the precious time we share together. Merry Christmas, I love each of you so much! Much love, Mom
I took the family out to breakfast to celebrate together on the Saturday before Christmas. Two grandchildren, Lindsay and Kevin, were absent. These are the beautiful children, grandchildren, and partner/friend in my life.

As I gave each one their letter and gift, Reggie had to be in the middle of it all watching and sending his vibration and frequency of anticipation to all, eager to see how each reacted. He feels expanded love and responds to it with quickened energy, jumping up, making his little body available for love, and wagging his tail. Spirit blessing all of us with an amazing, loving family. How privileged we are to have had our 50th Christmas together. Nancy and Reggie♥
Lilith Nix says
This 50 year letter is incredible Nancy! I feel overwhelmed by the love and foresight shown when raising your family These words show such a deep and powerful love for your family and for the human family. as well. It’s impressive. In our culture, it seems that people often plan more for their wedding day than they do their lifetime of love, children, and marriage. Congratulations to you and your beloved family on your 50 year Anniversary. You are a super special person, Nancy. You are like an Angel here on Earth. I feel blessed and lucky just to know you Thanks for sharing this Nancy, And thanks for all you do.