My birthday was November 12 and I have experienced 78 years with Spirit within and around me every moment protecting, guiding, and connecting me in all the ways appropriate for my journey.
My birthday started on November 1st when Spirit brought me messages of insight, joy, vision, and deep introspection. These messages are about moving on in my life in a different way than I have for the last several years. They are about allowing myself to receive without thinking about giving back; just receive whatever the gift is, given in whatever way it is given, and rejoicing with the essence of my being. Opening this deeply brings in such a sense of purity that it floats through me with a lightness that is indescribable. It is as though I am free in the Light and Love of All That Is on The Other Side.
My 101-year-old aunt (above last month) called to wish me Happy Birthday and relate, as she has every year since I was born, that it was a snowy day with a cold wind and the family milked the cows so Dad could be at the hospital when I was born. She has sent me a card each year and money when she could. Love strong, steady and true through the ages and stages of my life along with memories so lovingly conveyed each year. Her mind still clear and sharp and she has no grey hair. There is such sweetness to her face, such grace at this time of her life; she is the gift to us. Gifts beyond measure through the family lineage.
My two sisters (above) sent me cards and a gift card so I could select anything I want. Normally I save the money they give me for use when I need it. This year, I allowed myself to go shopping and just buy what I wanted – a new throw, two new soft green towels, a bar of good rose soap, and other things. It filled me with joy to play in a store just for the fun of it. Memories so lovingly gifted to me through money and my sisters are a part of each one. Calls, cards, emails, Facebook messages, and texts came from nieces, nephews, and cousins filling each moment of my birthday days with such love. Spirit revealing how very blessed I am to have family who love me and each other so much.
My son and daughter and their spouses (above) came to visit November 8 through 11. I was so excited I was beside myself the day before as it is rare for all of them to come together. They remind me of the times when my sister and her husband and my husband and I did things together; precious times that make memories in the soul. It gave me such joy to observe them interconnect so beautifully with each other without words, playing together easily knowing each other’s humor and subtle nuances. They are each individually above the norm in intelligence, in their dedication to their careers, in the devotion to family, and in their ability to feel with those around them in the family and in the world. They each allow Spirit in their lives in different ways. They are innately good people making the world a better place. This is how Spirit showed them to me as souls staying on their own spiritual paths, yet being a greater blessing together. Such unique gifts to be consciously aware of and to have the privilege to share were gifts of the heart that filled my birthday with a reverent gratitude. It felt like a special gift to be given a view of the depth of my family’s spirit.
Their gifts to me were many from the first hugs to the last each day, to helping in the kitchen with meals, to finding different TV programs, to fixing the gate so the little dog could not get out, to advising me that the garden shed I had was rusted through and I needed a new one. Then they walked beside me with sound advice while a Tuff Shed appropriate for my needs was selected. Working together they all easily emptied the old shed while I was resting so it could be taken down the next day by my yard man. We were going to do it after I rested; they quietly and efficiently took care of it. They switched the mattresses on my bed so quickly and effortlessly, changed bedding, and did other things that I just mentioned. Spirit giving me the view of the quality of their souls and allowing me to experience receiving their gifts of love.
Exploring Auburn Old Town, Downtown, and New Town, going to Nevada City walking up and down the main street, enjoying meals at the Brewery and Awful Annie’s in Auburn, Lefty’s Grill in Nevada City and then for my birthday lunch at Max’s Restaurant in Auburn. We all went to the grocery store to shop for a meal and it was such fun to see what each wanted, the fun juices, lunch meats, and snack items, more gifts in the way of things new to me. One noon I fixed fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans with bacon, and country gravy which was cooking like I used to for the family bringing back memories. Each meal we ate at home, we joined hands around the table to give thanks for the meal with those of us so moved praying like we used to do. It was all I could do not to cry in gratitude for the time together around the table with each beautiful face there for me to look at, to listen to, and to love. My nephew and his wife joined us for my birthday lunch bringing their open hearts, loving words and experiences to share. Rare and precious times treasured in my heart.
My other daughter could not be here, but sent beautiful gifts, a card, called, and enfolded me in her love from afar like she does every birthday. Three of my grandchildren texted or called me with their unique birthday wishes. They are each different and it is such fun to experience their individual ways of expressing. Spirit blessing me with their precious love and creativity.
This was a time to pass on things to my son and daughter that I wanted them to have from their father and from me. With each thing I wrote a letter to each sharing the history of the item, the qualities of the one it came from, and reflecting the qualities in each of them that they mirrored. Treasure boxes were created with their names on top and the words Love, Mom on the inside cover of the box so as other things are passed on, they can add them to the box. Memories and love shared in a legacy from my deceased husband and I to enfold them in the love we feel for them. Spirit blending and expanding the Spirit of their father on The Other Side with mine to bless us all in ways known and unknown now and forevermore.
We were in an elevated energy, vibration and frequency during their visit including the trip back to the airport for them to return to their homes and lives. Our weekend together stays with me as a time that changed us all so easily and beautifully with a love that transcends this life. The gift of their presence for this birthday, the cards, gifts, their loving words, gestures, and the generosity of spirit of each is imprinted upon my soul for all time. I am grateful to Spirit for the ways that enrich me with an expanded awareness of the depth of love and the meaning of family that their visit brought to me. Grace infusing me so lovingly and richly it takes my breath away.
Reggie resting on my new throw.
Reggie was so excited with his extended family here to love on him. He moved from lap to lap, from chair to sofa, and from heart to heart basking in their attention. He followed them wherever they went inside or outside, knowing he is included in the family and sharing his Light and Love with each of them. His world was filled with so much excitement and joy with walks, trips to Home Depot, and sharing in the joy and love of family. Birthday gifts from Spirit and from our precious family to be remembered for all time, how grateful we are. Nancy and Reggie♥
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