There is a beauty and magic to moving from one place to another whether it be inside oneself, in a town, or to a different city, state, or country. Moving brings forth a sense of grief at leaving the previous people, place, ways, and known things. It brings forth a sense of excitement of discovering the new people, place, ways and unknown things. It brings forth the magic of knowing that Spirit is opening and expanding me and others to new experiences, food, scenery, weather, roads, ways of speaking, ways of being, and customs of tradition. I have moved thirteen times in my life to, from, or within these states: Oklahoma, Colorado, California (Several), Oregon, and Nevada.
It all began when my parents moved our family from Oklahoma to Colorado Springs, Colorado when I was around 12 years old. I grieved leaving all of my relatives in Oklahoma, the places I had known since birth, my school friends, and the sense of security I felt with all of that. I not only grieved leaving, it made me mad because I wanted to stay where I felt loved and where I loved. Spirit teaching me early to follow where I was lead – if I was willing.
At the same time, it was exciting to think about living by Pikes Peak and the Rocky Mountains with all of the beauty of the land. We had one family from our home town with two girls about our ages who lived in Colorado Springs when we moved there, so we knew someone. We lived in a rental house down the street from our friends, so started our lives with people we knew. It wasn’t the same as the love of my relatives, but if was the love of friends. Spirit provided a bridge of comfort between the life we left and our new life.
This move established a pattern for my life. We immediately became members of the church, involved ourselves in all of its activities, and I found a social life through the youth and other groups. With each move throughout the years, my first connection was with a church, my anchor with Source. A spiritual foundation of a strength and depth that helped me weather life’s challenges. One which was as innately mine from birth as was breathing.
Other patterns were established during this move. Friends became my family, as I lived away from the family the majority of my life. I was close by phone, but friends were close physically. The early moves to furnished apartments were exploring myself and learning what I wanted moves. There was such beauty in moving to a new apartment, new area, new neighbors and so forth. My reasons varied from I wanted to live within walking distance from the ocean, I needed a cheaper place to live, I wanted a bigger apartment in a nicer area, to I wanted to be close to work. Later in my life, with each move I would go inside myself before the move to be sure this was what Spirit was calling me to do.
Moving gave me the opportunity to be different, for people to experience me in a different way. It also gave the new people an opportunity to be different. Growing up in a small town early in life was a revelation of how everyone is viewed the same even though they may have changed over the years. In a large city like Los Angeles and the Metropolitan area, or in a different city or state, people you meet accept you as you are now. The only past they know is what you tell them. Spirit was providing me the opportunity to anchor in changes to my Being with the moves to maintain the beauty of my growth more easily.
After my two near death experiences, I could see that other work was being done in the areas in which I lived, and the states and countries through which I traveled. The incredible magic Spirit showed me of the work amazed and humbled me. Others’ opinions of my moves disappeared as I witnessed the results of the paths I traveled. With Spirit’s guidance along the way, simple words I said, smiles, a soft touch, a wave, a card, call, or text, a gift, a ride, anger expressed as well as the Light, energy, vibration, and frequency activating, initiating, uplifting, and expanding in amazing ways and places had made a difference.
A life’s spiritual purpose, totally different from what I thought it was, revealed to me the beauty and magic of moving.
Reggie has only had two moves, one from North Las Vegas, Nevada to Upland, California, then from Upland to Auburn. He doesn’t like the long rides in his kennel or car seat on these moves, but he loves to hang his head out the window when we slow down to feel the breeze blow as he greets other drivers, dogs, and takes in the beauty of the scenery. He carries a spiritual beauty within him that radiates out to those who are open and loving every place we move. He longed for a home, so when I moved him to my home, he brought so much beauty and magic. Spirit gave us the beauty of moving to each place, of growing within ourselves and assisting in ways anticipated and not anticipated, and of loving each other no matter where we move. Divine Order is always creating magic in our world and we are grateful. Nancy and Reggie♥
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