Hurricane Florence has our attention now as do other hurricanes around the world. Wiktionary defines hurricane as:
A severe tropical cyclone in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or in the eastern North Pacific off the west coast of Mexico, with winds of 119 km/h (74 miles per hour) or greater accompanied by rain, lightning, and thunder that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes.
It surprised me that hurricanes have specific locations. I ask myself if these are human or Spirit created hurricanes. What came is that they are related. Right now, in our nation there are people “hurricaning” for a variety of reasons. Patti Henry, M.Ed., L.P.C. in her book The Emotionally Unavailable Man, describes “hurricaning” (slightly edited by me in parentheses) as:
Raging — hurricaning — is addictive. It chemically alters your body. It pumps in tons of adrenalin so you can actually get a rush or a high…. Then after the hurricane, they often crash into exhaustion…. If you are raging at your partner on a regular basis (or the government, politics, police, gas prices, etc.) — hurricaning — you are actually experiencing a drug addiction. And, like alcohol or cocaine or marijuana or Xanax, adrenalin addiction is destructive, not only to your marriage (family, friends, work, church, social life, etc.), but to your body. Some people call it the Type A personality where a person is explosive, short-fused, intense. Study after study shows these people have more heart attacks, more strokes, more accidents.
It is like the Hurricane Florence now swirling out of control, affecting, damaging, or destroying everything in its path with its high winds, massive amounts of rain, lightning and thunder. There is intensely escalating energy, vibration, and frequency from large numbers of people around governmental and political issues involving the nation with focus at the capital on the East Coast that goes out into the atmosphere. My theory is that it connects to the weather systems in the area and the result is Hurricane Florence. For the last few years I have observed humanity and the weather patterns that occur. When I see huge swings in weather, I wonder what is going on with humanity and find there is frequently a correlation between intense issues and the weather.
To me this is a call from Spirit to stop our hurricaning and bring ourselves to a place of peace. A place of peace that is inside me, each person, group, organization, government, and so forth so that the energy, vibration, and frequency that we each emanate does not affect the energy, vibration, and frequency of our nation, the weather, etc., and in turn, the world. Spirit is inviting us to create a world in which we live in harmony with our differences, so that we create weather systems that are mild rather than extreme.
I observe the weather in the Nation and notice that the middle of the country does not have extreme things happening like the West and East Coasts do. Yes, they have some weather occurrences like storms and tornadoes occasionally, but not to the degree that the coasts do. The energy, vibration, and frequency of the people in this area appears more stable and more secure in who they are and how they live. Spirit so clearly reflecting back to them the mirror of what they knowingly or unknowingly send out.
This took me back to a time in my life when I was hurricaning and Spirit could not reach me. I would go on and on about something that I thought needed to be changed, repeating over and over my strong opinion to whoever would listen. It was attention getting, powerful through the intensity, and made me feel important. It was addictive. It seems to me it was also a form of verbal and emotional abuse, whipping with my words and emotions, with little regard for others. It was a learned pattern that Spirit and others helped me unlearn. Once changed, my relationships with everyone and everything improved and all aspects of my being relaxed and became softer, my life joyful and peaceful.
Today, I have my opinions and view on things that are private and mine only to share with very few and then in a normal manner. I have no desire to hurricane any more. Issues get addressed when needed, then I let them go. It matters to me as I know it matters to Spirit, that I create a world of joy and harmony for myself which, in turn, helps create it for all.
Reggie hurricanes with his barking when squirrels taunt him from the top of the porch rail. He barks and barks about his upset with the squirrels with his little body all tense and focused. The neighbors do not like the incessant barking, nor do I. He has to be stopped at times as he will go on and on until I knock on the patio door, go out, and bring him in. He has been in this home three years and is now responding well when I knock on the patio door as he stops barking. This keeps his body energy, vibration, and frequency, and all around him, calmer and in a happy place. Spirit reminding us to stay in alignment as we are creating our world each moment. Nancy and Reggie♥
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