With all the fires in California and elsewhere, the floods in Japan and India, the hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes in Indonesia, other parts of the country and world, I thought about the spiritual aspects of these events. It seems to me these events call me – and all – to look at my consciousness and how I am contributing to the consciousness in the world.
When I was on The Other Side during my near-death experience, Spirit showed me how the consciousness of each individual contributes to the energy of all systems on Earth and beyond. I was shown how this energy collects and grows as each individual adds their anger or rage, or how it calms and smooths out as each one releases their anger or rage. I was shown how the energy of love radiates out.
To me, fire represents anger or rage, purification or cleansing. Water represents emotional energy, from mild to intensely overwhelming emotions. Wind represents change, with high velocity winds bringing big changes and lower velocity winds bringing smaller changes. Earthquakes represent wake-up calls, a call to action now in some part of one’s foundation.
I looked at where there was fire inside myself whether it was in the form of mild irritations or strong anger. I saw several places where I have strong political and governmental judgements, judgements about friends and family’s behavior, action or inaction, judgements about the weather, and so forth. I know with certainty that my role contributes to the whole of the anger energy being expressed in our society and through the fires. I know with certainty that my role effects my own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
The fires call me to look at my consciousness and make a choice to continue with the irritation and anger, or find ways to release it to be peaceful. I believe everything is in Divine Order, that I have my part and others their part. I am committed to doing my part as it comes up to the best of my ability.
The floods call me to look at my emotional state and if, or where, I am overwhelmed. I saw so clearly that I had let myself get more emotional than was called for in certain situations. Being intensely emotional was a learned pattern and it was past time for me to decide I would no longer allow that pattern to continue. My body tenses up when I am emotional. All of me relaxed once I let it go. I am at peace now with the energy in my body flowing smoothly.
I love the wind as it clears out old energy, stale air, and brings in a freshness that enlivens me and all around me. When winds get to the hurricane and tornado levels, Spirit is reflecting that change needs to be made and now. The combination of high velocity wind, change, and blowing water, emotional energy, stops humanity and changes lives in an instant. I lived in a tornado area in Oklahoma and I remember the complete silence and then the roaring wind and rain that came. Lives and homes are gone in an instant. No longer are outside issues of paramount importance, the inner day-to-day living, caring, and loving of one another mean everything. Spirit instantly bringing back what really matters is loving each other.
Earthquakes used to terrify me when I lived in the Los Angeles area as I was so afraid my loved ones would be killed or injured and I couldn’t get to them. Every time an earthquake happened, I immediately called each one to see if they were alright. The joy I felt when each answered that they were fine was great, and I thanked Spirit for protecting them. Earthquakes were wake-up calls for me to deepen my love for each one and let them know how much I loved them. They were also wake-up calls in the part of my foundation that trusts Spirit. Earthquakes no longer bother me as I know everything is in Divine Order. Spirit shaking the earth to bring all of those effected to a greater level of trust and love.
So, I send pure Divine Light, Love, Healing, Peace and Release to all those anywhere there is any disaster, no matter how small or big. I give great thanks that I am safe, sheltered, and loved where I am. I pray this for all.
Reggie does not like fires, floods, winds, or earthquakes. His little body shakes when the winds and rain are strong and he comes to me to be held and comforted. He likes things nice and calm. He knows there are other animals, plants, minerals, and parts of the earth that are not safe, sheltered, and loved. He is grateful for his home and trusts he will be taken care of. Nancy and Reggie♥
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