Recently I upgraded my phone to a new one. It was so easy as I did not have to do anything, except pay for it. That too was already in place, so nothing was required except that I keep enough money in my bank account to have the payment automatically taken out. Spirit smoothing the way for effortless upgrade through the preparation I made years ago.
I also upgraded to Netflix on my television which was a vastly different experience for one television and not so much for the other one. This involved me calling Netflix, talking with the representative, giving information about the two different TVs I have – one is old and the other is new. The representative was able to easily talk me through the steps for the new TV setup and operation.
The old TV needed a device for streaming which I had to go buy. Then I had to install it on the back of the TV in a certain manner, make sure it was facing where the remote would be, and then try to operate it. It did not work, so I called the manufacturer and they guided me through part of it. Once the end of the representative’s knowledge of how to install was reached, he said I needed to call the TV manufacturer. I said this was not necessary and that I would like to speak to the supervisor. The supervisor came on the line, told me to try one other channel, and it worked perfectly. Spirit urged me to go to the next level as I intuitively knew that it was something simple and I listened.
So now, I have a phone that works like a dream and television programs that are interesting and varied. This is how Spirit works with me. Upgrades are continuously being made effortlessly within and for me. My responsibility is to listen. If I do not understand the upgrade I am receiving, I ask for guidance from Spirit at the highest level so I am able to receive it clearly.
Such beautiful, easy ways of connecting with Spirit and taking me to ever more joyful and fulfilling places within myself and in my world. I get Spirit Sparks all over me when I feel Spirit’s acknowledgement that I have correctly understood. It is their way of touching and praising me.
Reggie gets upgrades from Spirit also when he is in dream time. He is able to more easily respond to requests from me which makes him joyful and me grateful. He is standing still now when I put on his walking vest, where he used to run around the room like it was a game of chase. He gets lovingly and loudly praised verbally when he stands still. He also gets a little caress of love on his head and side. Upgrades, whether technology or Spirit, fill us with such gratitude, joy, and make each moment of each day easy. Nancy and Reggie♥
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