Participation in Sacred Journey Sessions can bring about a greater conscious awareness that everything is holy—every thought, word, action, plant, animal, mineral, fire, water, ether, the visible and invisible worlds, the known and unknown. You gain awareness that your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and Light bodies are all precious and Sacred. Individuals who have opened, report over time:
- They become mentally sharper with less inner dialogue and an increasing ability to communicate more clearly with confidence.
- Emotions become more stable, with reduced depression and reduction of fear in life situations.
- Feelings of a significant increase in joy.
- The ability to be more authentic in thought, word, and deed.
- Healing of some ailments in the physical body, both chronic and acute.
- A noticeable overall feeling of wellness that continues to increase, and in a few cases, healing ailments that the medical community was unable to correct.
- Spiritually opening to a deeper level of faith and trusting whatever happens is in Divine Order.
- Seeing lights or spirits, and receiving messages in thought or verbal form. Knowing things before they occur or doing things you have never done before.
- An overall sense of increased ability to handle life events and situations with confidence and wisdom.
- A sense that you are here for a purpose and that you matter more than you imagined.
- Experiencing nature touches you in ways it has not before with a reverence and awe at the perfection of each part working together. Experiencing a level of genuine care for All That Is.