Mount Shasta at Sunset in the Fall.
Last week on the spur of the moment, I was called to go to Mount Shasta as I knew if I waited much longer I would not be able to go because of commitments and/or weather. I packed everything for Reggie and I, got his kennel fastened securely in the car, and took off early in the morning so we could spend as much of the day on and around the mountain as possible. His kennel is like a suite at the Ritz with a padded cushion, his soft blanket, his Lamb Chop and Pink Dog stuffed animals, plus a water dish is attached to the side. I put a towel over the top so the sun doesn’t shine directly on him causing him to get too hot. Spirit encourages me to make him safe as this reduces my concern while I am driving and increases his enjoyment of traveling in the car.
The trip up is always interesting as Reggie controls how far we go before we stop. We get to the outskirts of Sacramento and he decides he needs to stop and walk around a little bit. Sometimes he really has to pee-pee and other times he just messes around sniffing and marking territory. We get back on the road and go about 50 miles until he wants to stop again, so we do the walking around, then get back in the car. A short time after we get back in the car, I hear this little sound like he is crying, but I know he does not need to walk, nor more water, nor cookies as he just had one. So, I tell him no we are going to keep going for a while. Spirit teaches me to hear the sounds he makes with my heart so I can distinguish the real need sounds from the I want my way sounds. It is so subtle, just a difference in energy, vibration, and frequency within his voice.
We make a couple more stops until we get to Redding where my friend lives. We usually stop at her house as she and her dog love Reggie and I. It is a place I can rest for a little while, Reggie can be out of the car off-leash for a while, and my dear friend and I can catch up with each other’s lives. Spirit provides me with such loving, gracious friends along the way which fills each of our hearts with joy at just being together for a short time.
While I am in Redding, I go to Moore’s Flour Mill and buy a big bag of freshly milled Old Fashioned Oatmeal as I have oatmeal most every morning and use it in other things also. I do this every time I go to Mount Shasta; it is a ritual which warms my heart as I love things straight from the field or the Earth. We used to live close to Redding and found many wonderful freshly milled or grown products there. Spirit keeps me connected to that which resonates most harmoniously with my body and soul.
Then we begin our journey up to the mountain. This trip is different as there is a large burn area on the way up and traffic is down to one lane as the road is being repaired after the fire. There is a stillness, a grief about the earth that is scorched with the energy, vibration, and frequency lower. I send pure Divine Light and Love to the entire area and all affected. After we pass the burn area, there is an energy field shift on the way up that clearly delineates the energy, vibration, and frequency of the Mount Shasta area from that of Redding and the valley. Once I enter that field my entire being is shifted to a place of instant peace and tranquility. The mountain in all its glory appears and blesses me with its majesty and magnificence. Spirit enfolds me in a dimension that is pure grace.
Each trip to Mount Shasta is different in the way in which I am held while I am on the mountain. This trip from the time I entered the first energy field going up I-5, I was in a dimension as though there were no one else there. I was aware of cars, people, and activity, but I was not a part of that. Spirit was infusing me with the energy from “home” in a cocoon of protection that allowed no other energy, vibration or frequency to enter. I would be eating in the restaurant or shopping in a store and felt the difference as others were aware of me, but almost did not see me. This has happened before when I was in a higher dimension at a higher vibration and frequency that others did not see me in the physical on this plane.
The Headwaters of the Sacramento River called me first and I spent time walking around the flow of the river on both sides. This always energizes me as this water flows so rapidly and so purely that it takes me to a place that is quiet and soft inside. It makes me want to lay down and listen to the water tumble over the rocks and logs. It makes me wonder how much of it will make it all the way down to the ocean, how much will flow to the crops, the cities, and the animals, and how much will rest in a lake or pond. Its grandeur amazes me going from a small stream to a massive wide deep moving body of water. Spirit reflecting the incredible beauty, strength, and power of its creation and the life-giving essence of the water.
Next, I am called to Lake Siskiyou (above) where the beautiful yellow, orange, and rust leaves are mirrored in the stillness of this pristine alpine lake. It is as though the lake and I are one in our stillness, in our reflection of what is around us, and in emanating so much light. The evergreen trees intersperse between the fall colors painting a picture of perfection across the lake. The birds normally chirping are quiet as I am in another dimension where energy, vibration, and frequency are the sounds and waves flowing through. Each day, I go to the areas on or around the mountain that call me. Spirit infuses me with different levels of energy, vibration and frequency at each of these locations.
Rest is a part of each day with the windows open and the cool mountain air flowing through the room as Reggie and I lay down to integrate what we have received from Spirit. The fragrance of the pine trees, the wood burning fires, and the purity of the air regenerate my physical body and its senses in a way that uplifts me. Spirit brings awareness of the smallest things to me and to Reggie as we rest. I say thank you to the mountain, the valley, the lakes, the river, the forest, and all contained therein for their precious gifts to me and for just being.
When it is time for us to begin our trip home on the last morning, Spirit brings me back into the Earth plane as I get into the car to leave. I am fully connected to the people, the sounds, the traffic, and all as I say “until we meet again, I love you” to Mount Shasta in the rearview mirror the last time I can see it. The trip home is quick and easy.
Reggie doesn’t’ require the number of stops on the way home as he knows intuitively he will be out of the car sooner. When we get home, I take him out first, open his doggie door so he can go outside to bark letting everyone know he is back. He is so excited he doesn’t know what to do, so he runs around in circles to show his happiness at being home. Spirit blessing us with so much it overwhelms me at times with the grace and beauty of it all. Nancy and Reggie♥