The last two mornings when Reggie and I walk early just after the sun has come up, the clouds have called me to look at them. Both mornings, these clouds look like feathers and have an iridescent rainbow light outlining them. Some of the clouds have gaps in the feathering stretching out in long beautiful wispy forms, just like feathers you might see on the ground or painted in a store. Their iridescent color uplifts me and takes me to a place of mystic and magic. I watch until the clouds begin to dissipate and the color fades. Spirit has just blessed me on my morning walk with such incredible beauty and grace.
As a child I used to lay out in the field, look up at the clouds, and make objects out of them, such as a dog, rabbit, angel, or a variety of other things. I did this for my entertainment, the joy of seeing what my connection with the clouds could create. I do this infrequently as an adult just to connect in, to draw the clouds close to me, to create a shape, face, or object, to play with the clouds. Spirit connected me to these beautiful clouds to show me that Spirit is everywhere I choose to open to it.
A friend of mine also connects with the clouds. As we are driving along, she will see dragons or dog faces or other shapes and call my attention to them if I am busy with the car and road. We appreciate the clouds in a way that brings us closer to Spirit as some are messages from our loved ones on The Other Side, and some are messages from whatever is being displayed.
The shapes, colors, and movement of clouds fascinate and evoke feelings in me. Growing up with a farmer father taught me to watch the clouds so I know what weather systems are coming. The Winter brings huge dark storm clouds quickly moving in with thunder, lightning, rain, snow, wind, and great energy changes. I feel exhilarated and energized with these clouds. The white to gray puffy Spring clouds bring showers to the refresh the Earth and uplift my spirits. Spring is my favorite time of year with the clouds blessing everything budding out and opening. The white streaming Summer clouds traveling in bring spots of relief from the hot sun or can bring hail destroying crops, harming animals and property. I appreciate the cool spots and pray for the harmful parts. The color variety of Fall clouds bring cooler air inviting the trees to release their leaves and all on Earth to begin their rest. The clouds speak to my soul with their shapes, colors, and movement changing my feelings, energy, vibration, and frequency. A reverence, respect, and love for each of the clouds and the cloud seasons fills me with awe at Spirit’s magnificent displays.
This morning’s feather clouds reminded me of when I was at Machu Picchu in South America, I was given a Condor Feather by a Shaman. This is a rare and precious gift that few have the privilege to experience as Condor feathers are sacred in South America. I knew I was to bring this Condor Feather to another shaman in North America, thus uniting the two continents sacred energy, vibration, and frequency. The Condor Feather was given to White Eagle in Mount Shasta, CA. The memory of this brought a flow of peace and love into my body as I am writing this. Spirit showering me with gratitude for my part in the Condor Feather’s journey and for sharing the honor and reverence of the mission with the feather clouds.
Feather light shines on me from the clouds that float by reminding me that always I am Spirit in action, as well as gifted, entertained, protected and supported by Spirit.
Reggie looks at the feathers he finds or that I have on my bookshelf, sniffs them, and then goes on his merry way. He has no interest if they don’t fly so he can chase them. Outside when the birds take off with their wings spread wide, he barks at them secretly wishing he could fly too and touch the clouds. Nancy and Reggie♥