Reggie has a friend, Teddy, next door who he loves dearly. They have been friends for two and a half years. Teddy looks like Reggie only he is 4 pounds instead of 17 pounds. When a new fence was built between our homes, a doggie door was put in so they could run back and forth between the houses. They are so excited when that door is open in the summer as they can race back and forth, wanting to be at both houses getting attention.
Teddy is over visiting Reggie today. When they first see each other, they are all over each other rolling, running, playing, and jumping on each other. I open the back sliding glass door so they can take all this excited energy outside to run and pee until their hearts are content. Then when they are done, they come back to the sliding door wanting in and attention. They are clear about their needs and wants.
Teddy has medical issues so has diet limitations and physical challenges, but that doesn’t stop him from loving full out. He does everything with his whole heart until he wears out, then he sleeps. Reggie is older and doesn’t need to be an alpha dog which works well as Teddy has to be an alpha dog, little but mighty. They each know their place in their little family of two and in each of our families. Teddy’s family may move in a little while and that will mean that Reggie will not have his friend to play with any more. They will miss each other, but we will visit them when we can.
It gives me great joy to watch them play together as they uplift my Spirit in so many ways with their little antics. I laugh when they are running around as their little ears and tails are flying as those small bodies and legs stretch out. They show me that it is Spirit’s way to love a friend with all your heart when you see them, love them while you are apart whether it is next door or across the country, and miss them when they are gone. Reggie and Teddy understand these things intuitively as they are both Spirit’s unconditionally loving little messengers. Nancy and Reggie♥