This holiday season, I am spending time with Spirit in a different way. Spirit is always here, but I am more aware of the little magic that occurs. This morning before breakfast, Reggie and I took our walk and I noticed the energy in the air was different, it was softer, gentler, and there was a finer vibration. It was as if the preparations were being managed in a calmer, less frenetic manner now. Spirit enfolding me and humanity in a cocoon of tranquility.
The neighborhood dogs also had a different tone to their greeting. Usually some sound ferocious like they would attack if free, others sound like they are just protecting their own property, and still others sound like they were happy someone was paying attention to them. This morning they were all mellower in their greetings with less intense barking. I wonder as I walk by each home where the dogs greet me if they are mirroring the energy of their owners, of the neighborhood, or of a broader range like humanity. Spirit opening me to pay attention to the finer details of my daily walk.
Last night I found two rice-like tiny worms on the bathroom floor which caused me concern as I thought they might be on or in Reggie. I took a picture of them, then went to the vet’s office this morning and showed them. They didn’t think they were tapeworms but fly larvae; but gave Reggie deworming medicine just in case. Spirit making sure that everything was taken care of with Reggie before Christmas.
Then we ran errands for Christmas and again the energy was so soft and the vibration so fine it was a joy to be out. There were many people shopping and driving around, with patience and humor, enjoying their outings for whatever reason. Then I knew what it was; I was in a higher dimension living in a different energy, vibration, and frequency. Wherever other people were inside themselves did not matter as I was where Spirit had led me, to a place of joy and bliss, a place where the holiday spirit resides all of the time.
The next errand we ran was to buy three loaves of Pumpkin Bread for my neighbors. I went in the store and the Pumpkin Bread was still warm, fresh from the oven. I took it home, wrote Christmas Cards and took it to two of the neighbors immediately. They were so happy to have the warm bread so all they had to do was add butter. The other neighbor is not home, so I will deliver it as soon as they come home. Spirit providing me with the idea for the loaves of bread as a gift, then finding it had just come out of the oven was more of Spirit’s magic holiday spirit.
The holiday spirit is everywhere when it resides inside of me and I open myself to live in the state of joy and bliss. Things fall into place, ideas come easily, people appear when I need them or just for the joy of being together. This is my life every day filled with the holiday spirit because it is filled with Spirit.
Reggie’s lives in the holiday spirit also as he bounds to the fence next door to meet the new little puppy, Bronson, and say hello to his brother, Rocky, who is already Reggie’s friend. They play back and forth by the fence talking their dog talk and wagging tails, making each other happy. I keep the gate between the two properties closed off as Reggie knows how to open it and would be visiting his friends whenever he wanted. I peek through a hole in the fence to greet these two adorable dogs, talking love-talk to them, and telling them to have a wonderful day. Spirit guiding us to spread the holiday spirit every day. Nancy and Reggie♥
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