During my two near-death experiences, I was immersed in the brilliant radiant Divine Light of All That Is. In this Light were individual beams of consciousness gathered as one infinite all-knowing consciousness. From this were individual streams of consciousness going to all on Earth and elsewhere – humans, plants, animals, minerals, water, weather, air, Earth’s inner layers, atmospheric layers, and so forth. Because of society’s lack of awareness and fear of the unknown in All That Is, I call my connection “Spirit” so it will be easier for the majority to accept.
Others viewing me from the outside see an older single woman living alone who stays home most of the time, and has few visitors. I look like my life is sedate and probably boring as not too much appears to be going on. I intuitively know the neighbors quietly watch over me as they are aware of my heart stopping and that I have a Pacemaker. However, this is far from the exciting inner life that I have each and every minute of the day.
It was shown to me the beam of consciousness that had been flowing to me prior to my last near-death experience and how that assisted my daily living. It was also shown to me how this beam of consciousness would affect my daily life after I returned to my body. The conscious awareness that I have now is expanded beyond anything I have experienced in this life. So, I will share with you how it flows into and through me during different parts of the day. In addition to being a Light conduit for the Earth itself, the following occurs.
As I awaken, I am aware of the activities of the night of being with the Light immersed in love and joy, and visions slip in of having my consciousness go to assist others struggling with issues or just needing a little beaming up of their energy, vibration, and frequency. Many people call these dreams and some bring back memories of their dreams and others do not. At the same time, I am aware of my gratitude for the wonderful night’s sleep, my safe, peaceful home, community, and my precious little Reggie beside me. Some mornings my deceased husband awakens me with song words of his love. I thank All That Is for the perfect Divine Alignment of all aspects of my Beingness – the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and Light bodies. Simultaneously, I am aware of the time on the clock alerting me that it is time to get up, make the bed, and begin my first exercise. All of these things occur at the same time in seconds. Prior to my last near-death experience, there were not as many levels of conscious awareness occurring simultaneously. This is how my expanded consciousness awareness is now.
As I begin my first exercise, Reggie comes to be petted while I exercise. As I am petting him and exercising, my awareness expands to send Light to my granddaughter and my nephew, to my neighbors who are upset that they can no longer let their dogs off leash in the park, and to my medical doctor who has taken four months leave due to serious personal issues. Turning on the television to listen to the news while exercising, my awareness expands to those on the news and is drawn out further to those on this planet, so I send Light as I am bending over to touch my fingers to the carpet or lifting weights.
Finishing exercises, getting dressed and ready to walk are all filled with expanded conscious awareness of my own body functioning, Reggie’s activities, those who float through my awareness, those whom I am guided to send Light to whether it be humans, weather or governmental systems, earth movements, increase harmony, or sending whatever Light is needed to fires, fire areas, firefighters, etc., and others in all disaster areas.
Reggie and I begin our walk and my conscious awareness expands to the neighborhood, the sky, clouds, breeze, sun, and anything else that flows in for attention. I thank the beauty and safety of this place to walk, the smooth pathways to walk on, the pet owners who are all responsible, loving, caring owners, owners who all keep up their property, and so forth. If I pass a home where my awareness lets me know there is a special need, my consciousness expands instantly to enfold all therein with Light and Love. I feel the Pacemaker in my heart kick in for a minute as I am walking and I say thank you for its perfect operation in the right time and the right way. While this is occurring, I wave to a neighbor and say hello to his dog as I keep walking. At the same time, thanking the Earth for its stability floats through my consciousness as I listen to the birds sings in a nearby tree. A practice I created when I began walking here was to wave to cars I pass sending them Blessings, Healing, Light, Love, Peace, and Release with the wave. The intent is to start and/or end their day with the energy, vibration and frequency of these things if they choose to accept them. Again, these are all occurring in a second or seconds.
Meal time begins with thanking all in the chain who provided the wonderful abundance and variety of food to nourish my body, mind and spirit, while visions of crop fields flow through with the farmers’ energy of love of providing from the land comes into my expanded consciousness. A vision of a farmer with his hands in his pockets at the end of harvest watching with gratitude as the sun is setting appears concurrently. These occur instantaneously before I even put my napkin in my lap or pick up my fork to eat.
When I start up my computer to begin the writing for the day, flashes of topics, people, and options flow through as the screen appears. As I am writing a face comes to me and I send Light and Love while continuing to type. As I answer the phone, Light pours through from the person on the other end calling to visit and share their world. While talking, I get visions of others around them, send Light, or am guided to speak specific words only for them as these words carry an energy, vibration, and frequency which will uplift them and assist them in opening to receive whatever is appropriate.
During the day, I send Light and Love to the physical body I inhabit if I feel a sensation that is not normal and thank it for its perfect operation. My expanded awareness does not wait for something to get bigger and bigger until medical help is needed. When medical help is required it is accepted with gratitude for the awareness and competency of all attending the body. I used to say “my” body, my this or that, but everything is temporary in this realm and is available for me to use while I am here, so I train myself to detach from ownership, unless it serves for understanding.
Friday nights I go Ballroom Dancing which is a delight in so many ways. There is a man with whom I dance who has a fairly expanded awareness. Without this man knowing, my deceased husband’s Spirit used to come through him to dance with me. One evening I told him what was happening and asked if he was willing to have him continue to come through to which he replied that he was honored. So, this opened up an avenue for a closer connection with my deceased husband’s Spirit as I feel the difference when he is coming through by the way I am held, the way we float through the dance, and the beautiful words that flow into my mind and the feelings in my body. My expanded consciousness is aware that I am dancing with this man not my husband, that my deceased husband’s Spirit is enfolding me during the dance, that I agree to stay in my body, and that I am aware of all the other dancers, the music, the steps appropriate, the lights in the room, and so forth concurrently.
Evenings when I am home, I watch television, while reading, while loving on Reggie, while sending Light to whoever or whatever comes through my awareness. I am sitting on the couch reading, listening to the soft television sound, as a friend’s name comes so I send Light as I know she has come for something and Light knows what that is. At the same time, the new blueberry bushes I just purchased appear wanting to be welcomed to their place in the orchard and enfolded in Light and Love for the night as they are not yet planted and want the warmth of my energy, vibration, and frequency.
When night ends and Reggie and I go to bed, my consciousness expands as I lay my head down on the pillow to a state of reverent gratitude for the day, its blessings, its known and unknown gifts, and all of the grace that was mine to give or receive this day. I feel Reggie’s energy pull me to give him a love and tell him to sleep well, that I was see him in the morning if not before. He often journeys with me. I do not have trouble sleeping as after I say my prayers, I am instantaneously with All That Is immersed in Light and Love while watching over the body, Reggie, the house, neighborhood, and whatever else calls me.
This life each day is so rich, full, and varied that it joyfully and quickly flies by with the expanded consciousness. This is Spirit in Reggie’s day. This is Spirit in my day. Nancy and Reggie♥
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