I received an email about a male friend who is having serious health issues. This man is a Shaman who leads vision quests, has sweat lodges, holds barbeques, and other spiritual events at he and his wife’s home up in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. He is willing to do spiritual work on anyone who has a need. All they have to do is let him know.
He is a man who helped take care of his wife’s parents until they died, assisting with the repair of the home, the maintenance of the mountain property, and all that goes with helping someone pass on to The Other Side. He is a man who built his own home on the property, created a spiritual sanctuary for all, and celebrates life fully, generously, and with zest.
When we were both attending the same church, I had volunteered to host an Ice Cream Social during the summer with homemade ice cream, assorted toppings, and other things. Neither my husband nor I were in a place to make the ice cream, do the set up, and all the physical things associated with that. When I called this man to ask for his help, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. His spirit is so generous not only in giving of his knowledge as a Shaman and as a human being, but as a Spirit Being.
His spiritual legacy is so rich and full as I know of many others he helped while I lived in Oregon, and I can only guess how many he has helped since. This man answers Spirit’s call every time with whatever is needed. This is such a beautiful spiritual legacy to have experienced and for all who know him to have witnessed.
His spiritual legacy is love in all its forms, unconditional love from his open heart. He is such a wonderful example for all of us. So, whatever journey he goes on as his path takes him to The Other Side, I send him gratitude for his care of my husband, me, and others. I thank him for his kindness at a time when it was needed. I send him, his wife, and all those who love him pure Divine Light, Love, Blessings, Peace and Release.
Reggie would have loved him and he would have loved Reggie as he had dogs and adored them. Nancy and Reggie♥
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