I like Monday as it has a certain anticipation to starting the week off in my routine. For Reggie and I, Monday is getting the wash started, eating breakfast, taking a walk, writing on the computer, running errands, and taking time in between to walk in the garden or sit and relax with one another.
We start to accomplish things that need to be done first thing in the morning. Reggie is likes to get up around 5:30 am, go to the bathroom, and then eat. While he is eating, I start a load of wash, then we go back to bed where he goes back to sleep and I meditate for a while. Monday’s routine feels so good as I like to get things done, so we can play later on. Routine feeds my body, mind, and soul; it gives me a feeling of stability, security, and fulfillment.
As a child I started out by helping my Mother wash clothes on a washboard for a family of five, then hanging the clothes outside on a line to dry; this was an all day job. Now I can do other things while my laundry is washing and drying, which gives me more time. Today, my laundry is done by noon and I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want. I am overjoyed at the precious freedom this give me.
At the end of the day, I give thanks for the great washers, dryers, dishwashers, and other appliances that make life so very easy. These things give me so much more time to be aware of and enjoy all Spirit’s gifts. Reggie gives thanks also, as it means I have more time to take him for a ride or walk, and to play with him. Nancy and Reggie♥
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