Today was Mediums Day created by the Circle group I belong to. A Medium is a person who communicates with dead people (Spirits) to bring messages to the living. There were four Mediums and you could get a reading from each one, which I did. They were each so different and each brought in a member of my family or a co-worker with whom I was previously associated. It was uplifting and enlightening to listen to the messages that were given to me. It fulfilled a part of me that was longing for closer connection with each of them.
Before I went, I was open and didn’t have a set list of questions and didn’t know who would come through. When I stay open and let Spirit take the lead, so much more happens than when I have a preset list of questions or an agenda. At these times, Spirit gently asks me to let them lead…smile! The flow was easy and filled with details that I would not have thought to ask about. The love that flows through from each Spirit is felt so deeply that it soothes my soul and my humanness. It comforts me in a way that nothing else does.
Reggie communicates with Spirits also as I will see him gaze off like he is watching something and totally engrossed. Then he will lay his head down and relax; he has received the message and love being sent. The blessings we both have received through Mediums are beyond any information that is conveyed here on this plane by humanity. There are no judgments, criticisms, analysis, or any other form of evaluation from Spirits – only love, praise, encouragement, and opportunities to grow, if I am willing. At times, I long to be able to throw off my humanness and open for all the growth that is there for me. Yet I know there are steps and lessons I came here to learn, so I practice patience with myself and know that it will all unfold in Divine Order. The human nervous system and other body systems, organs, structures, etc., can be overloaded by too much energy, vibration, and frequency if steps have not been taken to assure the body is ready to receive what is coming through. Reggie seems to have this lesson down perfectly, well, except when it is time for him to eat. Nancy and Reggie♥
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