Sunday, the interim minister presented a different service with the congregation speaking out at times during the message. This was a significant change from the normal way in which a service is conducted. Some of the congregation found it refreshing, some disliked it intensely, and others were in the middle. I found it refreshing as it livened up the energy, kept me one my toes, and sparked my interest in what was going to be said next. I like change even when I don’t like change as afterward it always moves me forward spiritually.
I like to know the precise meaning of words, so I looked up “change” in the dictionary. I was shocked to find that there are 32 meanings for change. I chose the following meanings:
- To transform, example: The witch changed the prince into a toad.
- To become different, example: The nation’s mood has changed.
- To become altered or modified, example: Colors change when exposed to the sun.
- To become transformed, example: The toad changed back into a prince.
- To change one’s mind, example: To modify or reverse one’s opinions or intentions.
I think we each have a sacred opportunity to change everything; to transform our enemy into a friend, to become different by changing our thoughts, words, and actions from hate to love, and to expand, modify, or reverse our opinions or intentions, to change our nations mood one person at a time, to open ourselves to Spirit’s guidance even when we don’t like it.
There is a layer of anger consciousness surrounding the Earth and all thereon. Each of us carries a degree of anger about big and small things. We may or may not speak it, but it is there in our secret compartment waiting to burst out with the energy of our attitudes, body language, words, actions, and judgments.
Our nation’s mood has changed and people have edged into varying degrees of fear with underlying anger at whatever caused the fear – be it medical, financial, political, religious, government, employment, terrorists, immigration, families, friends, etc.
I used to want to know why things happened; I needed specific, detailed answers and wanted outcomes. And then I was still mad; anger became a habit. Well you know how that went. I changed by learning to trust that everything is in Divine Order and that there is Divine Justice. I don’t have to know how it will be done, but I know that it is Truth as I have witnessed it and experienced it again and again. All I have to do is my part.
When I sat down to look at my own anger and how that contributed to the whole, I knew the change needed to be done from the inside out. I believe that is true for each of us and all on Earth. I started bringing Light and Love into everything I didn’t like and I prayed for Spirit to assist me to expand my understanding, my knowing, my compassion, my view.
I prayed for Spirit to assist those on Earth to clear this anger layer. Many methods are available, some do it by individual prayer, some by energy work, some by shamanic rituals, some by ceremonies, some by prayer groups, and so forth. Some give up. My commitment to myself and Spirit is that I will not quit.
Light has been my form of healing and expansion for myself, my clients, and All That Is. Part of that “knowing” came with me, part came from my religious background, and part came from Spirit.
The Bible in The First Book of Moses, called Genesis, chapter 1, verses 1 through 4, says:
“God created the heavens and the earth in the very beginning. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water. And God said, Let there be light and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.”
I decided that if Light is good enough for the Spirit of God, then it was good enough for me.
I read a book titled Dancing With Water by M.J. Pangman, MS and Melanie Evans. In it the authors quote Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, the modern German scientist well-known for his work with biophotonic energy. He states:
“We know today that man is essentially a being of light. We now know for example that light can initiate, or arrest cascade-like reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”
If Light is good enough for science it is good enough for me. There are many other references I could cite supporting Light use, such as laser technology.
I wanted a quick, simple technique to use to change myself whenever I feel anger, fear, or other negative emotions or thoughts come into my mind. I wanted to share this with others to use. I use pure Divine Light for myself and for my spiritual practice.
I use pure Divine Light every day, morning and night, and sometimes during the day if a need comes to me. I send pure Divine Sparking Light to my heart and all aspects of my Beingness to clear any fear, anger, negative thoughts, etc., known and unknown to me. I then send it out to all. The sparking breaks up the dark or stuck energy, much like the sparks from a sparkler at night.
My clear and specific intention is to do my part to change the layer of anger consciousness within myself, my home, my work, my family and friends, my neighborhood, my church, city, state, nation, the world and All That Is. It is part of my spiritual journey to become different, to transform, to alter, and to modify that layer of anger consciousness into a layer of peace consciousness through the use of Light and prayer.
I invite you to join me now to visualize pure Divine Sparking Light dissipating anything that is not of the Light, enfolding your heart, your home, your neighborhood, your family and friends, your work, church, city, state, the nation, the Earth and All That Is in Divine Peace.
Every time you feel anger or fear within yourself, or feel it from any source (road rage, grocery lines, church services, world events, natural disasters, TV, and so forth), I invite you to enfold all in pure Divine Sparking Light immediately. It just takes a second to send it. Send it right now to something you feel passionate about changing and see what happens within you and with it.
If we are willing, Spirit keeps us open to change, open to our Lights becoming brighter and purer, radiating out all that is the most Sacred, the Highest, and the Best within each of us and All That Is. How very blessed we are to be the change.
Reggie keeps his Light bright and he is open to change. If he gets frustrated with me being on the computer too long, he brings his little body over to me and puts his feet on my leg, shining his brilliant Light and Love on me. I stop, love on him, and feel the radiance of his love for me. We are both at peace then. Nancy and Reggie♥
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