Spirit was in the shadows every step of my life. As I look back I can see that all that happened to me was an opportunity for me to move from the shadow to the Light, for me to bring forth all that I came here to be, and to share that with others in a real, simple way.
Some believe we plan out our lives before we come into the body. It felt true to me. Someone once told me that if I didn’t face things in this life I would be back doing the same things again. I knew with certainty that I did not want to come back for a repeat. These things served to strengthen my focus on fully embodying the Divine Spirit I am.
The so-called negative experiences (anger, judgment, criticism, betrayal, manipulation, family or friend walking away, not being promoted or getting the pay raise I deserved, and so forth) during my life taught me not to mistreat myself or others, and to sense and keep myself safe from others who would mistreat me. They also taught me to use them when it was appropriate. In each situation, I found that by not getting what I wanted, it called forth a desire to change something about myself, my situation, my job, or whatever it was. Later, I found that every step made me make better choices and receive things I would not have received if I had gotten whatever it was I wanted at the time. Everything is in Divine Order!
When I was young, I coped by never allowing myself to feel the mistreatment until I knew what it was and how to protect myself. I simply shut it away. When things got too bad, I would simply go to The Other Side by fainting or becoming ill or going outside to daydream or commune with nature. When I went to The Other Side, I was always sent back, but I came back calmer and able to go on. I remember one night I went to bed and wanted to die or kill myself such was my despair. The next morning, I got up and I was just fine as I have been enfolded in Spirit’s love and guidance while my body slept. Spirit was with me in the shadows.
The shadows led me closer and closer to Spirit until Spirit was no longer in the shadows, but was in the Light, the Pure Divine Light of Love. Each moment of each day Spirit fills me in all ways and I am content and at peace. I face each moment and each situation as it comes up. At the end of each day, I am complete as I have done all that I could in each moment and it was all in Divine Order.
This does not mean that things don’t come up that I need to address directly because they do. I think about it when it comes up, make a decision, then say or do whatever needs to be said or done. I set boundaries and hold them. Spirit is with me knowing there are shadows in the human life and that I committed to do my part while they enfold me. A beautiful merging of human and Spirit.
Reggie had shadows as his first two owners didn’t treat him well, feed him right, or see that he was groomed and well-cared for, dumping him out malnourished in an industrial area in Las Vegas, Nevada. Then Spirit led me to him and he moved into the Light of my great love for him. He moved into the joy that it gives me to feed him the best food, take him for walks, love on his precious little body, and give him treats and surprises that make him happy. For us, Spirit shines Light on us every moment of every day and we are so blessed. Nancy and Reggie♥
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