Mother’s Day is a holiday I look forward to as I never know what is going to happen. Each year is a mystery until the day arrives and begins to unfold. I am in a state of anticipation upon arising as to who will be my first caller, so take my shower and get ready before most will call as I don’t want to miss any calls. The cards that have come in the mail that I have been waiting to open until today are first.
Next, I take Reggie for a walk before breakfast while it is still cool and silent out. The morning stillness, air, and freshness of the day fill my body and soul. We just get back from our walk when I get my first call. It fills my heart with such joy to hear a beloved voice and share about our week and plans for the day.
I go to church and there is a lovely service honoring Mothers and women’s role in the world. After the service, the men of the church created a special social gathering with tablecloths and fresh flowers on each table in honor of the Mothers. Delicious Chocolate Covered Strawberries, small and large Frosted Chocolate and Vanilla Cupcakes, Frosted Brownies, Scones, and fresh fruit as well as coffee, tea, and juice were awaiting our enjoyment. Such a loving gesture was so touching to me and expanded my joy. I left full of sugar and praising the wonderful surprise gift.
My little Reggie was waiting at home for me to love on him and hold him on my lap for a little while. He lays between my legs when I am in my recliner reading. I give him a soft love from time to time; my way of mothering him and his way of letting me know he loves me.
My friend and I went to lunch, visited long after we finished eating, filling each other’s hearts and souls with our sharing. We enrich each other’s lives with our openness and depth of sharing that comes from having similar life experiences and unwavering commitment to our spiritual journey. We “mother” each other by our unconditional listening, support, and encouragement.
Next, my grandsons surprised me with a gift card. I like to use these things up right away so they don’t expire (smile). So, after lunch, I found the perfect gift, four Teal acrylic glasses to use when I go out on the porch, and a writing journal called “Start an Adventure”. The journal reminded me of them as it is such an incredible adventure being their Grandmother.
I went home so full of wonderful food, conversation, and gifts. The afternoon continued with more than usual calls, email flower cards, gifts, and texts. A couple of my loved ones call in the evening so we don’t miss sharing about all of the events of the day, ending a Mother’s Day full of wonderful surprises.
Spirit surprises me like this and I am overflowing with joy and gratitude. I could not have planned all the surprises of the day any better. The timing was perfect with ease between events, with relaxation periodically, and at the end of the day everything relived with loved ones while Reggie stretched out against my leg loving me. How very blessed I am to have such a loving little dog, family, friends, and Spirit. Nancy and Reggie♥
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